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Empowering the general public through AI education and maximizing benefits of the groundbreaking technology and bridging the prevalent digital AI divide.
By demystifying AI, we foster a wider understanding of its potential applications and ethical considerations, enabling individuals and communities to make informed decisions and navigate the digital landscape effectively.
Such education not only equips people with the skills needed in a progressively AI-driven job market but also facilitates innovative thinking, encouraging more people to become creators and problem-solvers, rather than mere consumers of technology. Importantly, an informed public can contribute meaningfully to shaping AI policies and regulations that align with societal needs and values.
AI education stands as a fundamental pillar in our transition towards a more equitable, informed, and technologically advanced society.

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Create educational courseware with AI
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$1/month AI-centric tools subscription service
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B2B Ventures
From idea and concept generation to technology and data generation, Alpha Studios assist businesses to tackle their obstacles and shortfalls.
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B2C Ventures
Alpha Studios provides B2C opportunities starting with Avatarisation and creating AI-generated content.
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